Monday, December 14, 2015

Officers dealing with defense

As a law enforcement student I always hear of how police do countless amount of police brutality but people seem to forget that officers have their view of the situation. for example dealing with a man who has his hands always in his pocket and countlessly staring at your abdominal area, people may not really see this as a threat but to an officer this is a possible threat. Many officers fear that once the person has their hands in their pockets they may pull out either a knife, a gun, or even a crowbar. Having being in a law enforcement class I've watched many videos and it's very understanding to see why considering a lot of officers on duty have been face to face with this problem.

The link shown will show you why officers take caution:

Though there are cases where an officer may abuse this excuse, the threat is still very real and is out there to look at. In the line of duty officers may need to kill not because they want to kill but because they live by a code to go home at the end of their shift and if not for that code then may officers would not be alive to this day. For instance the shooting of Micheal Brown, Officer Darren Wilson had engaged Brown but during interface with Brown the officer had engaged in a struggle where Brown would attempt to take the officer's side arm but was killed before doing so. Officer Darren stood trial for the incident but was deemed not guilty due to it being in self defense. Even with people saying that the case decision was crap, until someone personally steps into a situation where they have to fight for their life then they don't understand the true pressure.

Another example is the encounter of Officer Johnna Watson. From, Officer Watson had been called to a simple trespassing crime but had escalated to out fight. She had simply come up to him and ask him to leave the premises of a residence's home in Oakland California. The Homeless man had then gotten angry and struck several times in the head with a heavy chain and horribly injuring her but before she could black out from shock and be rushed to the hospital she shot the man and saved herself from dying that day. So it all comes down to the decision and a will, it's in our hands to survive another day or die from not reacting,

Please watch the video to understand the small but effective training officers for situations.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Man Made and Natural Catastrophes

World war II was a very memorable part of history and full of catastrophes but one of the biggest catastrophe was actually preformed by the US. America had a way of taking care of our enemy Japan, and at this time in history America had a huge grudge against the Japanese for destroying Pearl Harbor one of our major naval bases with Japanese Type 99 Assault planes. Along with that it would also be the last step toward the end of world war II itself. This battle against Japan lasted for 5 years and was grueling with harsh jungle terrain with the fear of not knowing where the enemy may appear from, when you were going to be ambushed or when the time may come where they would need to be on the ready for the Japanese.

The weapon that had ended this horrid war were two atomic bombs named "Fat man" and "Little boy"both weighing close to 10,000 lbs. and final projects to the perfect end game of the WWII campaign. Before the 2 bombs were released no one was aware this was going to happen and no one was warned about the B-29 bomber, the people of both Nagasaki and Hiroshima were oblivious to the bombing that would come. The bombing and poisoning of both "Fat man" and "Little Boy"proved to have been catastrophic causing 90% of Hiroshima to have been destroyed along with 90,000 lives to die by Fat man and in Nagasaki, about 40,000 to die from Little boy.

After the Bombing happened A pilot from Japan had went to Hiroshima only to find that it was covered in a humongous cloud of smoke and radiation. Many were dead or seriously injured, it's fascinating to this day that there were survivors that to this day still show signs to this day of the horrifying after effects of these horrific bombs. The true rebuilding actually happened in May of 1959 where Japan would make several laws to help the rebuilding of not just Hiroshima or Nagasaki but of the people would had survived and had to deal with memories of it.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Good day in the Amazon

We've all seen or heard at least once in our life about the Amazon Rain Forest. It's been rough recently with all the deforestation that happens with a lot of regions that hold such amazing and majestic forests. But the deforestation of The Brazilian Amazon Forest has decreased by 90%!! That is simply amazing on it's own. The Amazon Rain Forest is a very iconic forest on it's own and should ring a lot of bells considering it's been around for about 55 million years. And if there's any doubts on how important this really is, just remember that big forest such as the rain forest are becoming more and more harder to find due to people needing the area for their own purposes; but it has become so incredible that a place that's been around for so long that has even had a gigantic problem with deforestation but somehow is still so majestic and beautiful after all these years.

The deforestation of the Amazon Rain forest had been about 10,500 square miles in 2005 to 1,850 square mile in 2014. The main causes of the deforestation is the soy fields,illegal logging, and a process of getting coal called pig iron . But there are ways that they have been doing to reduce down to such a low point. The people of Green Peace have been cracking down on the Brazilian government about the issue of Illegal logging that's taking place in the forest and a long side that a proposal that's a funding mechanism to protect tropical forest. The major benefits that come out of the program is a large number of animals that were being push out of their habitat have better chances of finding a proper home and surviving.

in order to get a good look at how beautiful the amazon rain forest really is check out the video below.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ronald McDonald Around the World

We've all heard of the McDonald's fast food restaurant, whether now if we are aware of it or not they seem to be everywhere and it's impossible but what exactly is the reason why we seem to be surrounded by these chain restaurant. The main reason is that McDonald's is part of Globalization and is known around the world from the united states where it first got it's start, all the way over to china and European countries. In fact did you know that there is a total of 119 countries that actually have a McDonald's, they actually operate 35,000 different restaurants and have over 1.7 million employees working for them.

The Golden Arches was not like how it is today, back then it started off as a small business that was run by two brothers by the names of Richard or Maurice McDonald. The business had been gotten started in San Bernardino, California as just a simple stand near the Route 66, and these two had a good amount of costumers for them just being a small brother run business. The two would soon be approached by a man named Ray Kroc who would then offer the two brothers a good sum of money to buy their restaurant and start to make it the first McDonald's Corporation; and when doing so Ray had  doubled the money he offered the Two but still making the McDonald name popular around the globe.

But now thanks to Ray Kroc the starter of the McDonald's Corporation we have McDonald's in almost each country but with adaptations to the menu in order to adjust to a country's personal beliefs or way of life. In fact, places like Asia, India, Mexico, France, Germany, etc; all in some way changed the McDonald's menu in their own way but still get so much profit out of each individual Restaurant. The business makes about 27.45 billion dollars yearly which estimated to about 75.21 million per day. McDonald's has certainly made it's up coming over the years and made a name for itself and it's certainly got many more years considering the company has been holding strong since 1948.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tasty Dishes to Try

Miniumum Wage, Do Not Engage

Hello there my name is Greg your average everyday teen, I think to myself each day that one day i'm gonna have to expand my way of life and adjust to world through the military and college. I hear that people who do minimum jobs want an increase of 15/hr. so they can make a living off of it and make it a daily income!? To me personally this doesn't seem too right concerning that i will be making as an enlisted soldier (E1) about 18,378 a year! making $15 an hour is sort of an insult considering that my salary would be greatly decreased and i train for months for combat and how to do my job compared to learning over a week or so time at a fast food restaurant or a store.

According to Mark Wilson, if the minimum wage was increased then costs for the everyday items we buy would be increased; making it harder a lot more harder for the consumers to get a good price for their products. Along with the cost going up, another big problem is the hiring of new personnel due to the amount of money the corporations are willing to pay for each worker they want to employ. Also the hours of work an employee will start to become decreased even more. And the worst that can happen for workers if minimum wage is increased will be the benefits of workers will start to be reduced.