Wednesday, January 13, 2016

PTSD and it's effects on Veterans 

As a descendant of a long line of military soldiers I understand the big problem of PTSD and soldiers life after with PTSD. What is PTSD some may ask, PTSD stand for post-traumatic stress disorder. A lot of soldiers that face the harsh after effect that is faced with after war, in fact it’s estimated that 20% of veterans suffered PTSD after enduring freedom, 10% vet Iraqi freedom, the Gulf war had an estimated of 10% and Vietnam had an estimated 30%. And will continue to rise over the year to come, it really doesn’t have an end to it. I know it's hard for a whole lot of Veterans that suffer from this illness, whether you believe it or not there are 22 military veterans a day that take their own lives do to this.

The daily struggle of a PTSD diagnosed veteran is catastrophic to their health, though a veteran can conceal the appearance of PTSD the feeling and memories of what they’ve been through. I had my own personal interview with my grandfather and great uncle, they were both marines but my uncle Donnie was a helo gunner and my grandfather was security in Germany. My Uncle Donnie is a good man but has admitted to me that his PTSD is so bad that it takes such a huge tole on him each morning, when interviewing my grandfather he denies his PTSD but he will jump and scan the room as if he was still in Germany. 

The effects that come with PTSD can go from flashbacks of whats happened in the past or even worse committing suicide to end the thoughts that run through their heads. Whether it be survivor's guilt, the feeling of being alone with trauma or blame for his friends not being with us anymore. PTSD effects a person's psyche and may never be the same for as long as a veteran lives. As I mentioned before there is a possibility to help conceal PTSD, I find that love from those who care and support you can really help with the feeling maybe even help with it through a life time. It's very possible that many Veterans will be tempted by suicide but stop themselves due to the remembrance that they have so much to lose and are needed.

 If a veteran needs assistance don't be afraid to stand by them and help them remember they are still here for a reason and make them realize that they are still here for a reason and they need to keep going to the end.